Urban Altruism

A blog growing out of the seminar "Seeking the Welfare of the City" (PHIL 390) at Calvin College, directed by James K.A. Smith. For more info visit http://www.calvin.edu/~jks4/city

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Thomas Sugrue Lecture: May 1

Thomas Sugrue, Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Professor of History and Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania and author of the The Origins of the Urban Crisis (selected by Princeton University Press as one of the 100 most important books in the last century), will be at Calvin on Monday, May 1 to present the Bouma lecture:

"Jim Crow's Last Stand: The Struggle for Civil Rights in the Suburban North"

Drawing from his forthcoming book, Professor Sugrue will discuss the largely unknown Northern battlegrounds where grassroots activists fought to end discrimination and segregation: the rapidly expanding postwar suburbs. While the conventional narratives of civil rights in America have focused on the heroic battles of the South, “Jim Crow’s Last Stand” turns our focus North to recount the victories and defeats of those who fought to open suburbia to people of all races.

When: Monday, May 1, 3:30pm
Where: Gezon Auditorium, Calvin College


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